SUBJECT: New invention: I.V.A.M.U. = Intrinsic Value Added Monetary Unit provides

Answers to Loss of Currency Values World-Wide

A Brand New Currency Invention--
New Standard for Establishing the Value of Money

"Divers weights, [and] divers measures, both of them [are] alike an abomination to the LORD."
– Proverbs 20:10

"Declare ye among the Nations, and Publish, and set up a Standard; Publish, [and] conceal not:" -- Jeremiah 50:2

I.V.A.M.U. is a Brand New Currency and CONTAINS real precious metal, such as gold, silver and or platinum. It does not need to be declared as "backed by gold," because this Paper Money contains flat and flexible precious metal--with thickness measured in microns within the currency itself. It is located inside a small window so it is always Visible.

Claims of being 'backed by gold' are always suspect due to historical accounts of 'accidental' invention of what is called “fiat money” in which bankers permitted themselves to issue MORE currency than could be "backed by -- gold!"
Born of dark greed and concealed, it worked well for the charging of interest on loaned money until too many people DEMANDED their precious metals be DELIVERED BACK to the rightful owners or depositors. What is about to happen today is a good example. JP Morgan is selling un-backed silver contracts which certainly will result in a coming “Bank Holidays” once the people catch on to the banking and investment SCAM.

Far better, I.V.A.M.U. Currency *contains those precious metals!

The designer of the concept, Ken Loundes, says, “Some I.V.A.M.U. may 'only' contain silver, while larger denomination currencies will contain gold or platinum. Some I.V.A.M.U. denominations may even contain two or more metals. This answers the problem today of paper currency-backed-by-nothing except more paper.”

He goes on to say, “The CONfidence game is over. We and our future generations will NOT be paying off the wicked Bankers! We will NEVER, EVER be their SLAVES.“

For further information contact:

Ken Lowndes 626-358-0108,


Monopolized Private Central Banks have created enormous problems - (the Federal Reserve is no more "federal" then is Federal Express) - not only of inflation, but also in how it depreciates the quality of human life itself. For instance, in the current economic climate the current bankers indulge in the un-resisted temptation to grant "bail-outs," using taxpayers to replace those funds placing world-wide hyper-inflation into high gear. In that process in desperation and in greed, they Murder the hopes of the American people.

Fixing the (or any) economy involves two simple, easy steps:


Do not despair in thinking that fixing an economy cannot be done .... it certainly can. Once the problem is properly Identified anyone can easily discover the SOLUTION.

What is the problem?

Fiat Money issued by the Central Banks is unregulated and privately issued, and is therefore dishonest money loaned at interest since their money costs them nothing off the printing press at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.


1) Remove and or suspend ALL Usury/Interest FROM the economy, (can roll back inflation by up to 97%, especially within the USA), [SEE: ] and,

2) Issue the I.V.A.M.U. as the New Currency Standard.

"When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a Standard against him".-- Isaiah 59:19

This solution will fix the currency problems for any nation in the world. I.V.A.M.U.’s precious metals-based currency will then enjoy world-wide acceptance for Standardized Value, no matter at what level it is issued. And, I.V.A.M.U. Currency isn't "phony" money! No, the I.V.A.M.U. is all REAL because it contains the precious metal rather than referring to it to be transferred to an account at a later date or different place.

Some Examples of which Authorities may Issue this new currency includes:


Private Barter or Script Companies,


Cities, Townships, Counties, and Parishes,

State, Federal or National banks

The I.V.A.M.U. opens the door for EVERYONE to consider being their own "honest banker," eliminating even the 'perceived need' for one world-wide, monopolistic Centralized Bank.

It defangs “Central Banking” into a neutral clearing house for transactions of “REAL MONEY”, and NOT dishonest “FIAT MONEY”!

CONTACT: Kenneth Lowndes, 626-380-8018 or,

As Ron Paul noted, "It is no coincidence that the Century of War has taken place along with the creation of Central Banking." (paraphrased) Wars are being used to distract you away from "the little man behind the curtain."

What is at stake?

This describes the Magnitude of the very real peril we are in:

"The Economic Issue is
CENTRAL to even if the Human Race can or will survive."
~ Karen Hudes

It does NOT need to be this way.



"Declare ye among the Nations, and Publish, and set up a Standard; Publish, [and] conceal not:" -- Jeremiah 50:2
"When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a Standard against him".-- Isaiah 59:19
"Divers weights, [and] divers measures, both of them [are] alike an abomination to the LORD." --Proverbs 20:10


Welcome To
IVAMU ~Libertys' Best Friend!
The First IVAMU Convention
held in Philadelphia, in 1776

IVAMU is pronounced "eye-vah-moo"

Just Some of the many IVAMU BENEFITS:

Stops Inflation Dead and Rolls back inflation. (did you know that Inflation is THE Interest infecting the money supply? By perpetual re-borrowing enough money to maintain a money supply in circulation, then by endlessly re-borrowing the Interest on top included in, at ever new Interest, "endlessly." It is compounded madness!)
Eliminates the National Debt, as in "Odious Debt"
Stabilizes Prices and Purchase Power to the Individual
Keeps Inflation from taking place
Makes long term financial planning possible, which is truly impossible in an inflation based FIAT Money kind of monetary society
Removes BIG government and fits it back into a US Constitutional Intended size
Vastly reduces the temptation and the incentive to go to WAR
Restores Liberty
Returns Freedom
Honest Money ALSO Downsizes "BIG Government" to a size that fits into US Constitutional Limits, of Everything they can do,
reversing the current Trend into an Absolute Despotism of all out Tyranny

Using Honest Money, with equal Purchasing Power around the world, regardless of who issues it,
will also "eliminate the Temptation" to go to War.
PEACE Dollars!

Copyrighted Concepts 
All Rights Reserved - 1776 - 2009 - 2013 - 2014  2015
Contact person:
Kenneth Lowndes
327 W Lemon Ave
Monrovia, CA 91016
p- 626-308-8018